Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Random Observances

• They call fried dough funnel cake here.
• Rotaries (which I think may be a Massachusetts exclusive) are called Roundabouts.
• Communities often share the same street name and vary only the street type (e.g. Eagle Valley Street, Eagle Valley Court, Eagle Valley Lane, etc.).
• For the Land of 10,000 Lakes (in which there are plenty more than just 10,000), they charge more than you'd think for fish both for grocery or at a restaurant.
• Everyone has a dog.  Most have two.
• I may be crazy on this one, but gas stations are more awesome here.  And by gas stations, I mean the convenience store attached to the gas station.  Excellent selections.  Gourmet-to-go.
• I also may be crazy on this one, but DirecTV and DISH seem to be as popular as Comcast here.  I didn't think this was the case back in Boston.
• A surprising amount of Twins fans leave the game in the 8th if the home team is down 2 runs.
• I found plenty of (free) street parking 10 minutes from Target Field 30 minutes before a game.  WHAT?!?!
• Everyone jokes about how there are two seasons in Minnesota: Winter and Road Construction.  It's not funny.  It's a serious problem.  As a tax-paying citizen, I demand better management with more accountability.  EVERY major highway should not be single lane in the summer nor should popular exits.  Cut the crap, Minnesota.
• Bratwurst, which is just wonderful, is infinitely more popular than hot dogs here.  I still love hot dogs.
• I may have mentioned this previously but Super Target is super.
• Dry cleaning is more expensive here and the few chains don't have that convenient drop-off bag tied to an account a la Dependable Cleaners.  I miss that.
• I don't know much about building a house.  I'm kind of alone in that ignorance out here.
• Most homes have fireplaces - fireplaces that work and are used.
• Irony: People don't honk their car horns as often as Massholes do even though they have more reason to out here.
• Gyms are more expensive here than you'd think.
• Wild turkeys are everywhere.
• Country music is a BFD here.  As it should be.
• People get up early here.
• Even earlier on Sundays.
• And they love it.

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