Friday, February 10, 2012

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Dear God,

There are a lot of freakin bugs here. I neither understand nor need to understand their purpose, but please cut it out.

We have synthesized ways to kill bugs through traps, aerosol cans, sprays, and other treatments. How about just get rid of them?


Your fan,

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Look, we don't have Dunkin Donuts here and while we almost did recently, that folded and now I just need to accept that I'll never get it back.

But, there's always a but.

Kwik Trip's (a gas station) Glazers Donuts are AMAZING. You can get 6 glazed or 6 glazed with chocolate drizzle for $2.99. And while the Double-Ds glazed donut will always be closest to my heart, I'm finding satisfaction in being able to go to a 24-hour gas stations to pick up donuts. I think I've written before that gas station food is unsung; this is just more of me telling you that there is no shame in grabbing a quick bit at a Kwik Trip, Holiday, BP, etc.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Verizon FiOS

This isn't specific to the Midwest but, Verizon, if you're listening...I want you. I want you to be in Woodbury, MN and I want you to do it before my Comcast contract expires.

I need you like ham needs eggs.
I need you like donuts need glaze.
I need you like coke needs real sugar.
I just need you now.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Minnesota is a big fishing state. They don't call it the land of 10,000 lakes for nothing. In fact, 10,000 is an undershot; there are more like 10,000,000 lakes in Minnesota (hyperbole).

Coming from New England, being Asian, and fancying myself a moderate-foodie, I love eating fish. Atlantic salmon, cod, trout, bass, haddock, skate...I LOVE fish. But since moving to Minnesota, I've fallen in love with a new fish - especially during lent where you can find a Fish Fry almost anywhere.


Walleye is a wonderful wonderful thing. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I'm writing this at 9:02 AM because I want walleye STAT. And my dog woke me up to take him out to pee. But if he was a walleye...I wouldn't be writing right now.

From this:

To this: